Was looking through my yarn stash today and wow... I have way to much...over three maybe four huge plastic containers full of yarn. I say maybe four because I am sure that I have misplaced one container.
I have baby fingering yarn, boucle, novelty yarn which includes the fun fur, knobby yarn, yarn with shiny threads, ribbon yarn, plain old acrylic, cotton and my favorite wool yarn. Way to much!
I have made an early New Year's resolution to knit or crochet on something everyday until I get down to one container. So far in seven weeks I have knitted and/or finished off five hats, 1 pr of fingerless gloves and four scarves. At this rate I should be looking at one container maybe by June!
Not only do I have a stash of yarn but I also have a ton of knitting needles...many which have never been used. I have the aluminum ones which I rarely use. Then there are the plastic ones which are all double pointed. I taught myself how to use them last year. I have been trying for years how to figure them out and finally grasp the idea from a minute video I watched on the internet. I also have wooden needles, bamboo needles and two sets of hand carved ones which are just to pretty to do anything with but look at.
Did I say I crochet. Well I have a bunch of hooks aluminum, plastic and wood and also a couple of hand carved ones but unlike their knitting cousins I have used them. I love the way they move through the yarn.
I keep my needles and hooks in a big ole jar but will have to do better. Seems every time I want to work on a new project I have to practically dump out the entire contents to find matches or mates. I will have to break down and sew some of those pouches that are sectioned and one can just roll them up when not in use. Great Idea!
Here are some infant/toddlers hats done in three types of yarn. The one in the middle and the pastel one on the right are very soft yarn. The blue stripy one is cotton.
This striped scarf was fun to knit and is geared more for fun-wearing...I call it "sherbet". The stripe effect is from the yarn itself...makes for some really cool stripes.
I am working on two adult hats at the moment and will be starting on another pr of fingerless gloves. I will take some photos of these projects later. I have been looking through my vintage knitting books because I love the older infants and toddler patterns...they are the cutest! I will be working on some booties, mittens and baby sweaters next. Stay tuned....
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